At the Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Reserach (HZI) scientists study mechanisms of infections and the corresponding immunlogical response. What is it that makes bacteria or viruses a pathogenic mircoorganism? A better understanding of this and related questions will be the key to development of new therapies and immunization strategies.
Created in 2013, the ICube laboratory brings together the research strengths of the University of Strasbourg, France in the fields of engineering science and computer science, with imaging as the unifying theme. The main areas of application are biomedical engineering, environment and sustainable development. With more than 450 people, ICube is a major driving force for research in Strasbourg.
The MIPS Laboratory (Modelling, Intelligence, Process and Systems) is an interdisciplinary research laboratory hosted by the University of Haute-Alsace, France. The MIPS brings together all the research related to the disciplines of engineering science and computer science. It is composed of 75 members including 38 faculty members (14 University Professors) and 25 PhD students.
Definiens is the leading provider of Tissue Phenomics® solutions for biomarker and companion diagnostics development and commercialization. Definiens software provides detailed readouts from whole tissue slides and allows correlating this information with data derived from other sources. By automating analysis workflows, Definiens helps pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, research institutions, clinical service organizations and pathologists to generate new knowledge and supports better decisions in research, diagnostics and therapy. Definiens’ vision is to open new fields of research, to contribute to development of personalized medicine and to significantly improve the quality of patients’ lives.
The Hannover Medical School (MHH), founded in 1965, is one of the leading university medical centres with longstanding scientific focus areas in the fields of transplantation medicine, immunology, and regenerative medicine (among others). MHH is part of an excellent regional medical network for patient care and teaching.
The Center for Andvancing Electronics (cfaed) is a Cluster of Excellence within the German Excellence Initiative founded in 2012. It brings together more than 200 researchers from TU Dresden and 11 other research institutions in the areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. One of cfaed’s directions of research is the "Biological systems” where the focus is on solutions offered by the processes in nature for technology-related problems.