
Synthesizing whole slide images 

G. Apou, F. Feuerhake, G. Forestier, B. Naegel and C. Wemmert (2015) 9th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis - in press

Structural heterogeneity of mitochondria induced by the microtubule cytoskeleton 

Sukhorukov V, Meyer-Hermann M. (2015) Sci Rep 5 13924

Modelling ebola virus infection 

Nguyen K, Binder SC, Boianelli A, Meyer-Hermann* M, Hernandez-Vargas* EA. (2015) Front Microbiol 6 257. [*shared corresponding author]

Spatio-temporal dynamics of hypoxia during radiotherapy 

Kempf H, Bleicher M, Meyer-Hermann M. (2015) PLoS One 10 e0133357

Reducing complexity: an iterative strategy for parameter determination in biological networks 

Binder SC, Hernandez-Vargas EA, Meyer-Hermann M. (2015) Comput Phys Commun 190 15-22.

Computational study to determine when to initiate and alternate therapy in HIV infection 

Haering, M, Hördt, A, Meyer-Hermann, M, Hernandez-Vargas, EA (2014) BioMed Res. Int. 2014 : 472869.

Fast segmentation for texture-based cartography of whole slide images 

G. Apou, B. Naegel, G. Forestier, F. Feuerhake, C. Wemmert (2014) International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP)

Possible role of interleukin-1 beta in type 2 diabetes onset and implications for anti-inflammatory therapy strategies 

Zhao G, Dharmadhikari G, Maedler K, Meyer-Hermann M. (2014) PLoS Comput Biol 10 e1003798

Overcoming the dichotomy of quantity and quality in antibody responses 

Meyer-Hermann M. (2014) J Immunol 1935414-5419

Combat or surveillance? Evaluation of the heterogeneous inflammatory breast cancer microenvironment 

J. M. Krüger, C. Wemmert, L. Sternberger, C. Bonnas, G. Dietmann, P. Gançarski, F. Feuerhake (2013) The Journal of Pathology 229: 569-578

In silico analysis of cell cycle synchronisation effects in radiotherapy of tumour spheroids 

Kempf H, Hatzikirou H, Bleicher M, Meyer-Hermann M. (2013) PLoS Comput Biol 9e1003295

Stain unmixing in brightfield multiplexed immunohistochemistry 

C. Wemmert, J. Kruger, G. Forestier, L. Sternberger, F. Feuerhake, P. Gancarski P (2013) International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE/ICIP) Melbourne, Australia Vol. 13, pp. 1125-1129